Disintegration (The Todor Trilogy #2)


Aerie has fallen, and the land of Todor is on the brink of war. Famine and decay have touched every corner of the land. If Todor is to survive, Gemynd, Numa and Soman must fully embrace their powers, even as they continue to uncover more secrets and lies. Can Soman survive the aftermath of his role in the destruction of Aerie? Will Numa’s love for Gemynd endure even after she sees the horrors of the Iturtian pit? And is Gemynd his father’s puppet or his protégé? The betrayals of the past weigh heavy, but can the three move beyond them in order to work for the good of Todor? Or will their inability to forgive propel them into war?

Thundering toward an epic conclusion, “Disintegration” is the second book in the Todor trilogy. In it, author Jenna Newell Hiott paints a stunning portrait of humanity at its rawest, giving a revealing glimpse of how it fares when everything teeters on the brink of destruction. (Summary and book cover courtesy of goodreads.com)

Please note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion courtesy of Sage’s Blot Tours.


After blowing through reading “Revelation”, I was eager to continue the story in “Disintegration”.  Though you could continue to read it simply as fantasy, this books is heavier and encompasses moral relativism, metaphysics and definitions of reality.  I really struggle with Numa’s perspective since she has so much power.  Part of me also wonders, if it all real at all?

While I’d say the first book was a solid 5-star, I dropped this one down a star because I started to be so distracted and confused by the characters actions at the end.  That being said, the book was a great continuation of the story and I will certainly be looking forward to the final installment!

Warning: Contains violence

Rating: 4 stars!

Who should read it? Fans of adventure fantasy who wouldn’t mind a touch of the metaphysical.

Want to read the whole series?


Seraphina (Seraphina #1)


Blood Magick (The Cousins O’Dwyer Trilogy #3)