
“True Believer” is a story about having the courage to do what you love.

Through exhilaration and grief, the comic follows Lucy Bellwood's early experiences as a cartoonist in Portland. It is a meditation on where art fits into our lives, and what it really means to create and tell stories. (Summary and book cover courtesy of


I discovered Lucy Bellwood through another artist (who I will be reviewing in the future!) and I am so glad I did.  Her work is genuine, uncompromising and often happens to be about something I love: sailing!  I am particularly a sucker when it comes to hearing stories about how people find the courage to pursue their dreams full time.  Read this, get inspired and then get out there: pursue your dreams!

See more of Lucy’s work on her website at:

Rating: 4 stars!

Who should read it? Everyone who needs a reminder that life is too short postpone doing things you love.


Her Perfect Game


Clariel (Abhorsen #4)